
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wow, I have not updated in quite a while. It has been very busy around here with me going back to work. I am spending every second I can with Aiden.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Haircut

I thought I would try to give Aiden a new summer haircut. I think I did a pretty good job.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First beach vacation

We just got back from 4 days in the Outer Banks. Aiden had a wonderful time. He loved the beach.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

More walking

Aiden is doing much better with walking. He spends most of the morning wobbling around the house. He is so proud of himself! And we are very proud of him as well. He has come such a long way in the past 14 1/2 months. I can not believe how much he has grown and how much he has learned.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I can walk!!!

Today Aiden started walking :) I am so excited for him. I was afraid that it would be awhile, but he is getting the hang of it. YAY!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Throwing - a new phase

I bought Aiden a stacking toy to help with his coordination. He became easily frustrated with the toy after about 5 seconds of trying to put the shapes on the pegs. He then discovered that it was a lot of fun to pick up the pieces and throw them. He does this with just about all his toys now. And he is so amused by it. How can you not love that laugh of his!

By day 2 he figured out how to put the shapes on the pegs, but he still likes throwing them much better :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Turning 1 and other stuff

So it has been way too long since I have posted anything. It has been a heck of a year so far. The winter was pretty rough on our little guy. We were hoping that the medicine that the asthma specialist gave us would prevent any problems from the wither weather. But as it turns out he was not getting the medicine because he would fight the nebulizer treatments. He had 3 bad colds and they would last for weeks. It seemed like every time he better he would develop a new one. We are finally out of the woods. He is just getting over his double ear infection. His newest issue. And he is now using an inhaler to help with the asthma. He seems to be doing much better with the inhaler and I have not hear him wheeze since he has been using it.

It looks like he will be walking in the near future. He is able to stand up without holding onto anything. Although he is not very interested in doing it. He did take a few steps on Tuesday last week. And a few steps on Friday.

He is talking up a storm. He says "dada" all day long. He is also making a sound that sounds like "baby" to us. Who knows what it actually means.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The month of the never ending cold.....

So January has been one heck of a month for us. Aiden started out with a cold at the beginning of the month. Which quickly turned into bronchitis due to his asthma. And it just would not go away. On top of that he also had an ear infection. Poor little guy! I took him to the doctors a few times because he just was not getting any better. The doctor finally diagnosed him with RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) after 2 weeks of being sick. This is not very serious in adults, but in babies it is pretty serious and especially for babies with breathing problems (e.g. asthma). The doc told us that if he got any worse that we were most likely going to end up in the pediatric unit of the hospital. I was not looking forward to that. Our poor little guy has had a rattle in his chest from all the fluid and a horrible cough that could wake the neighbors. His nose runs nonstop and he has just been miserable.

He is just now starting to sound better, about 4 weeks later. The docs gave him Orapred to clear up the remaining fluid in his lungs. But the downside is that it works by weakening his immune system. He already has a weak immune system and now with the meds is it even weaker. So we still can't go anywhere. Aiden and I have pretty much been cooped up in the house for most of the month and we are going crazy! I am hoping that this doesn't last much longer.

Other than that not much else is going on. He is getting two more top teeth. The ones on either side of the top two. He is growing like crazy and so is his attitude. I feel like I spend my entire day saying "No," and making Aiden cry. I know I am teaching him by setting boundaries but I hate seeing him cry, even if it is for his own good.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Some recent video of our little guy

The hiccups are SO funny!

riding around on my new airplane!

Grammy can clap and it's funny :)

this video is a little long, but he is so cute crawling around!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

It has been quite a year! I can't believe that my little one will be 10 months tomorrow. My how the time flies.

I received the coolest gift from Aunt Sandy. It is the ZOKU popsicle maker. I saw it in a magazine and thought it looked like fun. It makes popsicles in 10 minutes. Aiden and I tried it out yesterday and had a blast with the popsicles. We made blueberry peach pudding pops and orange juice pops.