Aiden's favorite thing to do is avoid bedtime and talk non stop and look totally cute while doing it. For the past 3 nights he has decided that he does not need to go to bed and he stays up hours past his bedtime talking to us. But he is so cute how can we resist?
He can sit up now on his own if you put him in that position. I think that it happened overnight. Pretty soon he will be able to sit up whenever he wants to without my help. Am I ready for that??? Hmmmmm.... I don't think so. I miss my tiny little baby that needed to be held all the time. Where did my little baby go? Don't get me wrong, I love him so much and I am enjoying every stage of his development. But I do miss the earlier stages.
He is also almost able to crawl. He can get his legs under his body and he pushes himself all the way up on his hands. He just can't quite coordinate all of the movements together. He will get it soon though.
He is enjoing solid foods. His favorites remain apples and pears with sweet potatoes coming in third. He has also tried bananas, peas and carrots, peaches, cantelope and green beans. I tried avacado and he gags and tries to make himself throw up which makes Garrett super excited since he hates avacados. Any time someone around him has food or a drink Aiden wants to have some. He reaches for cups and foods like we haven't fed him for days. My child eats like it is his last meal! I can't figure out where he stores it all. Oh wait, that's right, its all in his thighs! He has massive thighs! All the fat in his body is stored there :)
I can't believe he will be 6 months tomorrow! Time flies when you have a baby.