
Saturday, May 23, 2009

photoshoot preview

Professional photo shoot

Today we had our first pro family photo shoot. A man Garrett works with is a photographer and offered to do a family shoot. It was so nice to finally get some family photos. I realized last night that we do not have a single picture of the three of us together. I can't believe that we never took a family photo. Aiden will be 3 months on Wednesday. That was too long to go with no family pictures. Ray was great with us too. He was very patient. We were there for over 2 hours and got some amazing pictures. I can't wait to get them. He is going to edit them and give us the CD in a week. When I get it I will post some of them.

Aiden was so wiped out from the shoot he slept on the hour car ride back and for an additional 3 hours after that. I was so excited that he was napping that I laid down on the couch to catch some z's myself. But as I was napping I was woken by a loud popping noise. It sounded almost like someone opened a champagne bottle. I got up to see what the noise was and was confronted with a shattered sliding glass door. Luckily, I think it has a warrenty and we can get a new one. It is always something!

Here are a few more video clips of the little man talking, smiling, and attempting to roll over.
Aiden smiling

Thursday, May 21, 2009

11 weeks old

Rolling Over!

Aiden rolled over for the first time at a doctors appointment he had when he was 8 weeks and 1 day old. We have tried to catch it on video many times without success. I finally caught him on video this morning during our photoshoot. He is becoming such a big boy.

Also, while I was uploading the video a moment ago, I looked over at him and noticed that for the first time (or at least the first I have noticed) he was batting at his toys.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So I think Aiden may have this sleeping thing figured out. Over the past few days he has been going down at night around 8:30-9:00. I swaddle him up and put him in his crib (yes, in his own room!) not in the pack and play in the living room anymore. He wimpers for about 5-8 minutes and then falls asleep. It has been so great! I can actually get some sleep in my own bed. Oh, how I have missed my bed, the couch is just not the same. The down side to this is that he has not been good about taking his daytime naps. He gets very fussy and fights sleep during the day. He used to be really good about his day naps. But I would rather him be awake during the day, even if he is cranky.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Photo shoot 5/17/09 - part 2

Photo shoot 5/17/09

10 1/2 weeks


Welcome to our new blog. We have moved here so that we can add videos as well as pictures. We will try to keep it updated weekly.

Our little overachiever

Wow, I have been so bad about keeping this site updated. Things have been going well with us. Aiden is growing up quickly. I can not believe how fast the time goes. He is almost 11 weeks old. At 8 weeks we had a doctors appointment and the doctor put him on his stomach to check his progress with lifting his head and my little overachiever rolled over. I couldn't believe it! He has rolled over 3 times since then. He has been slowly sleeping more and more each night. Last night he actually slept from 11:30-4:30. I was so excited to get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.Aiden and I belong to a 'new moms' group. We go on Wednesday mornings. There are about 20 moms and our kids are all between 0-4 months. It is really nice to spend some time each week with other new moms who are going through the same things I am. I have made a few friends in the group and we have started walking during the week. I also befriended some of my neighbors who have 9 month olds. We do coffee a few mornings a week. I have really been enjoying staying home with Aiden and meeting with other moms.