So, Aiden has decided that one week of good sleeping was all he was going to let us have. He has been back to his old habits of wanting to play at 2am. Which would be great if either of us wanted to stay up all night, but we don't. Last night Garrett stayed up with him and finally got him to sleep sometime around 2am. They only way Garrett could get him down was to put him in his carseat, in the bathroom, with the fan on and lights out. But he ended up staying asleep in there until 7:30 this morning.
He has been paying and laughing so much more lately. He has found out that his hands do work and has been using them to bat at his toys. This makes him smile. Although, when he is frustrated he can not get the hands to his mouth yet. Oh well, one thing at a time.
Garrett and I went to Target yesterday and bought him his first swimsuit. I can't wait to take him to the pool and put his toes in the water. It will be so much fun. He loves to be outside so I can see him loving the pool.
Aiden seems like an all right dude. I like keeping my Mommy and Daddy Spoon up late at night too. But I do it better because I'm a girl. :P